All stakeholders are dedicated and driven to achieve the highest quality all round education through strong relationships, teamwork and warmth.
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Inglewood Junior School


Mrs Sheaff (SENDCo)

As the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Inglewood Junior School, it is my passion to make sure each child achieves to their full potential. We provide a very high standard of quality first teaching where all work is differentiated to suit different levels and abilities. However, if parents or teachers have concerns that a child is experiencing a barrier to their learning, it is my role to monitor this and follow the correct procedures to ensure children receive the support they need to access the curriculum and succeed in all areas of their education.

If it has been identified that a child needs extra support on top of the quality first teaching they will be given a support plan. This will include specific targets personalised for the child. The support plan and targets will be designed and discussed with parents and the child. We will then follow a ‘plan, do, review’ approach. If the support the child is receiving through their support plan is still not working, then we may discuss seeking advice from the Educational Psychologist who will be able to offer guidance on more specific interventions and provision. They may also advise on requesting the involvement form other agencies.

Agencies we work regularly with in school are:

  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Speech, Language and Communication Specialists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) specialist advisory teachers
  • Community nurses
  • ADHD professionals
  • Behaviour, Emotional and Wellbeing officers
  • Emotional, Health and Wellbeing officers
  • Physical and Medical Specialist Advisory Teachers
  • Severe Learning Difficulties Specialist Advisory Teachers


At Inglewood Juniors we aim to have an open, honest and supportive relationship with parents and really value their input to the decisions made for their child. At the end of the day, it is the parent who knows a child best. Therefore if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning, or the support they are getting please do not hesitate to contact me by ringing the school number. I work Tuesdays & Wednesdays all day, and until 12pm on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
