Hi, I am the Pastoral Care Worker here at Inglewood Junior School.
My job in school is to work closely with children, staff members, families and outside agencies to ensure a strong partnership between all is formed to ensure all children meet their full potential.
My role includes:
- Closely monitoring attendance and punctuality
- Liaising with outside agencies such as: Family Action, Cumbria Family Support, Children’s Services and police.
- Planning careful transition plans for children moving to other schools (e.g secondary schools).
- Providing support to children and families through implementing Early Help Assessments.
How to contact me:
- On the playground/glass corridor before and after school.
- Telephoning the office- 01228 595426
- Email- t.brueckner@inglewood-jun.cumbria.sch.uk
- Speaking to your child’s class teacher
I look forward to working with you and your child.