All stakeholders are dedicated and driven to achieve the highest quality all round education through strong relationships, teamwork and warmth.
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Inglewood Junior School

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent

At Inglewood Junior School, we teach a broad and balanced curriculum by immersing our pupils in their learning. Our curriculum aims to provide children with rich, varied and deep knowledge, while developing life-long skills and providing enriching opportunities. 

We aim to offer our children opportunities for creativity, problem solving, challenge and enjoyment, while developing their independence, confidence and respectful relationships with others. 

Our curriculum is delivered and covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. We offer skill progression from Year 3 - Year 6. We aim to inspire and challenge every child. 

We take pride in offering our children a curriculum that is relevant to their lives while broadening their horizons and understanding of the wider world around them. 


Our Curriculum Implementation

 It is important that every topic within our curriculum offers the following:

  • A ‘WOW’ experience to introduce new learning- this is always designed to excite, motivate and engage the children.
  • Engaging and relevant learning new skills and knowledge. All National Curriculum objectives are taught. Skills and understanding have clear progression. Lessons at Inglewood Junior School are varied, interactive, memorable and challenging for all learners.
  • The important opportunity for the children to present their new knowledge and skills to an audience. We love to invite parents in to school to view our curriculum in action, and every tear group produces a Curriculum Assembly, where we confidently present our new learning to our family, friends and community. 
  • An opportunity to use technology to learn about the world we live in.



It is hugely important to us that we meet the needs of children in order for them to become independent and confident young people, who are equipped to succeed in the world around them. We therefore offer a wide spectrum of opportunities to build on and enhance pupils’ learning. Examples of children enjoying these enrichment opportunities can be seen on our website and include:

  • Visits/ Residential Trips
  • Visitors
  • Specialist Curriculum Theme Weeks
  • Sporting Tournaments
  • Musical Events
  • Year Group Performances 
  • Learning in Local Secondary Schools
  • Celebration of Achievements through school badge scheme
  • Individual iPad use


Local Learning 

We are very lucky to live in a wonderful part of the world and make sure we utilise our local area at Inglewood Junior School - we regularly use our beautiful local surroundings to enhance our curriculum. For example, some year groups conduct local geography studies, others focus on local poets and authors in English. Adventure packed residential trips in the Lake District build team work, life and survival skills while visits in our local area cover many other aspects of the history curriculum.


Resilience and Life Skills

Over recent years we have been committed to the SUMO (Stop, Understand and Move On) approach in school. This is an intrinsic part of all aspects of school life. We also have a Whole School Mental Health Strategy as we think that this has never been more important to children in today's society.


Parents and Community 

The local community is so important to our school, as are the parents of our children. Parents are kept up to date weekly with exciting curriculum news on our website and Facebook page. Parents are invited regularly into school to see our Star Assemblies, Year Group assemblies and termly performances and we love to share our work with our parents whenever we can.


Extra- Curricular Learning 

We have a comprehensive schedule of extra- curricular clubs here at Inglewood Junior School. Some examples of our weekly after school clubs that may take place during different times of the school year include: 

  • 'Apple" Club
  • Art Club
  • Basketball
  • Choir
  • Running Club
  • Netball
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Tag Rugby
  • Drama Club
  • Dance Club
  • Gymnastics Club
  • Reading Club
  • Yoga
  • Film Club
  • iMovie Club 

School is always looking to grow its clubs and listens carefully to pupil voice through the School Council and pupil voice.


The Impact of Our Curriculum

It is imperative to us that our children achieve excellence not only in the core subjects, but in every curriculum subject. 

We have lots of ways of measuring and celebrating success across the curriculum, as well as ensuring that children know what they need to do to progress. 


We ensure that we maintain a broad and balanced curriculum in the following ways:

  • Experienced Subject Leaders for every subject.
  • Every subject included in our School Development Plan and Monitoring Schedule- meaning that standards and attainment in every subject are always being checked and improved. 
  • Accountability to Governance for every subject- all subjects have a nominated governor, who leaders update regularly. It’s the job of the governors to ask us challenging questions about how to make our school even better!
  • Termly Pupil Progress Meetings.
  • Access for all staff to every classes electronic platform to view learning at all times.
  • Communication with parents about all strands of the curriculum. 
  • We have a commitment to teaching a varied, cross- curricular approach to learning.
  • Rich, educational school visits and visitors.
  • WOW events which provide children with memorable life experiences.


Always Improving 

Here at Inglewood Junior School we look very closely at our curriculum and are always striving to improve. Every subject here has a dedicated leader who monitors standards and provides training to colleagues. Leaders keep a close eye on professional organisations so that they are up to date with any changes in their subject. 


Y3 Curriculum Overview

Y4 Curriculum Overview

Y5 Curriculum Overview

Y6 Curriculum Overview

IJS Reading Spine

Mental Well-being Curriculum

First Aid Curriculum

British Values

* If you have any questions regarding the Curriculum we teach please contact the school directly. Please note, you have the right to withdraw your child from Religious Education if you wish, please inform us via the school office if this is something you'd like to do. *
