The pupils of Inglewood Junior School have always upheld a fine reputation for their happiness, friendliness, courtesy and hard work. Much has been accomplished in Sport and Music, and in helping charities and local organisations. We are proud of these achievements. We hope your child will learn to share this pride when they become a member of Inglewood Junior School.
Yes in April 2022. We were judged as 'good school'. A two day inspection was carried out (Full Inspection) and found the school had wasted no time in securing rapid improvements since the last inspection in April May 2016. Both reports can be found at the following link.
The National Curriculum is the knowledge, skills and understanding the children will be helped to acquire across a range of ten subjects, plus Religious Education. The National Curriculum is statutory for all schools in England.
A teacher calmly will point out to the child that some behaviours are not acceptable. He/she will then be made aware of the need to be kind and to care for other people and their property. If misbehaviour continues the teacher will follow the school’s behaviour policy.All the staff and Governors are involved annually in updating the behaviour policy. It is an extremely important document.
We positively welcome parents coming along to work and support the school. Please discuss possible times and arrangements with your child’s Class Teacher. Throughout the Year we will also hold open afternoons for you to spend time with your child in their class.We also have a Parent and Teachers Association and we welcome parents supporting with our fund-raising events.
All teachers are entitled to professional development and to keep up-to-date with all the latest teaching methods and policies. When teachers are away their classes are covered from within the school or from Inglewood’s quality assured register of supply teachers.When your child’s class teacher has their PPA time which is usually two hours a week it will be covered by a member of staff employed by the school.
The school has qualified first-aiders and there is also a written procedure for all personnel to follow, should an accident occur. Parents will of course be informed immediately or in minor accidents by a note.
Parents are always more than welcome to make an appointment to discuss any concerns with their child’s Class Teacher or the Year Group Leader. Inglewood has fully comprehensive procedures in place for identifying children who may require help in the immediate short term or longer term assistance in learning. There are also opportunities during every term for parents to discuss their child’s progress with the Class Teacher.
It’s best to speak to your child’s teacher at the end of the school day. Teachers are busy people and we ask that you please check first that they have the time to discuss a problem properly there and then. It may sometimes be necessary to schedule an appointment at another time that is convenient to you both.