All stakeholders are dedicated and driven to achieve the highest quality all round education through strong relationships, teamwork and warmth.
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Inglewood Junior School

Helping Us

Parents in School

We can achieve the best for your child only if parents and the school works together. We rely on each other’s support … You can help directly:

  • Encourage your child, listening and answering questions.
  • Show interest; question your child about their day (and don’t ever believe your child has ‘done nothing’ or ‘just played’!).
  • Take an interest in what your child is reading. If your child is uncomfortable reading aloud to you, then ask them to tell you what a book is about in their own words.
  • Let us know if you have any concerns (if we don’t know about something, then we cannot help!).
  • Attend Inglewood Open Evenings and Workshops.
  • Become a part of Friends of Inglewood and get involved in fundraising and schools events such as the Christmas Fair and Discos. 
  • Come to join our class assemblies whenever possible.
  • Let your child know that you believe a good education is really worth having.
  • Consider whether you are able to offer practical help within our school.