All stakeholders are dedicated and driven to achieve the highest quality all round education through strong relationships, teamwork and warmth.
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Inglewood Junior School


Absences from School

It is a legal requirement that registers are taken promptly at the beginning of each morning and during the afternoon session – so it is important that children are not late.


We DO need to know why a child is absent from school, as we have to record the reason for an absence. Parents must inform school by telephone before 9:30am on the first day of absence, this call must be followed-up by a letter giving the reason for a child’s non-attendance; for example if it’s because of sickness or a Dental or Doctor’s appointment.


The school will contact parents if a reason for absence has not been received by 9:30am on the first day of absence.

We also need to have advance notice of any hospital or dental appointments please. Proof of the appointment should also be provided. If children have to be taken out of school they should be collected from the main reception, rather than from class.


Government legislation now states that holidays are not permitted in term time. Holidays will only be authorised in ‘exceptional circumstances’. If you feel that your reason for taking your child out of school is an exceptional circumstance, please speak to the headteacher, who will ask you to put your request in writing.

Attendance policy
