All stakeholders are dedicated and driven to achieve the highest quality all round education through strong relationships, teamwork and warmth.
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Inglewood Junior School


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children, which is differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities. We aim to create an environment that meets the needs of each student ensuring that all children have equal access to the curriculum. ALL children and their parents or carers are encouraged to be fully involved in their learning.


The school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who leads and manages the SEN provision in the school. Senior teaching assistants and teaching assistants are deployed in each class to work with groups or individuals. Sometimes children are withdrawn from their classroom to receive specialist individual or small group support from two teachers. We work closely with external agencies to assess children who have specific learning difficulties.


In some cases of learning difficulty, with parental agreement, we may call on the Schools’ Psychological Service to help determine specific learning problems and how these might be dealt with.

Inglewood Junior School SEN Information Report
