Each child will bring their iPad home on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. This will help too facilitate their set homework. School will provide each child with an additional iPad charger which can remain at home, but please ensure the iPad is charged 100% each night before it returns with your child to school the next day.
Homework per night (Monday - Thursday) is:
5 x games of Times Tables Rock Stars (set at your child's ability by their teacher)
5 x games of Spelling Shed (set at your child's ability by their teacher)
Read a book or use Oxford Reading Buddy (online) to an adult at home for approximately 15 minutes.
This homework should take no more than 25minutes per night.
If staff are concerned about a child not engaging with their homework contact will be made with home and a child may need to complete their homework at school during break times. If a child continues to not engage with homework then the iPad will no longer go home each night.