Apple Regional Training Centres deliver courses to build the skills and confidence of educators to use Apple technology inside and outside the classroom. They are a community who share best practices and inspire excellence through teaching with Apple technology. Teachers across the UK and Ireland can attend courses to build their knowledge and skills using technology in the classroom and earn badges to achieve Apple Teacher recognition.
Inglewood Junior School is one of three Apple Regional Training Centres in Cumbria. We offer support and share best practice to the surrounding schools on the use of Apple technology. Teaching Staff and Support Staff are qualified "Apple Teachers" and are competent and confident in the use of Apple technology with pupils.
Currently, all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have individual iPads. IPads are used as a learning tool, to share projects, receive feedback, deepen learning and present work in a variety of ways. Modern learning Apps are also used to reinforce learning and these are shared with home.
Please see our latest training video from Wednesday the 19th of June